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Thoughts & Inspiration

At one point during our stay in Costa Rica, we were prompted to ask the Lord to show us visions of the spiritual armor that Paul writes about in Ephesians. During that process, God revealed to me that my guitar is my shield of faith, so now that it was gone and I didn’t know if I would get it back, I might have panicked a bit. 

On the tails of two unhelpful calls to the taxi company, I set my squad on high alert as they meandered around the city and then recruited my pal, Lindsey, to join me on the street to search for my guitar. As we were exiting the base, Scottie yelled, “You’ll find it. God’ll give it back.” But I couldn’t help but disagree. 

I feared that God had intentionally taken this from me and he would not be returning it. Though I couldn’t decide why He would do that, I was convinced that it was true. Alas I chose to persevere in the quest to retrieve my lost shield. I knew that if God wanted to give it back, He would. There was no doubt about that, but what I was unsure about was wether or not he wanted to. 

Immediately Linds and I began to think through what our options were and decided that we’d stop a taxi and ask for help. We watched a taxi drive by us and stop to drop off some passangers, not too far away. I broke a jog to catch him before he got back on the road and we were so blessed that this specific driver spoke clear, not fluent, English and knew exactly how to help. When I presented my situation to him, he quickly picked up his walkie talkie, murmured some things into it, and then gave me a sticky not with a name, taxi id, and phone number. He said “This man has your guitar. Give him a call.” 

Could it really be this simple? 

A quick call to the number on my note revealed that it would indeed be that simple. We made our way to the meeting spot and the man of the hour showed up and asked for nothing in return for the time that I stole from him with my forgetfulness. I expressed my gratitude, grabbed my guitar, and let him get back to his work. 

Here’s me being reunited with my guitar. šŸ™‚

 After things began to settle, the Lord gave me some questions to answer and I decided that it’d be sweeter for you to see my real time thoughts from this day. I’d love to formulate a nice paragraph to share what I’d learned, but I think it’d be more effective to give you this list.

What did you learn today?

  • Be intentional. Ask your taxi driver’s name. Remember their name and engage in conversation with them. 

  • Check on people’s preferences. It’ll make them feel loved and respected, especially if they’re in a position of authority. 

  • Never discuss feedback or other situations where you feel wronged before you’ve sat with the Lord and know what He has for all the parties involved. 

  • Always share the gospel. You’re tired and overwhelmed, but Jesus is worth it. I had a prime opportunity to share with the guy who brought my guitar back to me, but I chose not to. 

  • You don’t know what to say, but the Holy Spirit is never lost for words. 

  • I know that God is intentional and sovereign and he has something for me in this. He is for me. 

Honestly, I don’t know that there is much more to say.He’ll do whatever needs to be done to catch your attention, but He’s a good and faithful Dad to His kids and that’s all I’m trying to say. 

Thanks for tunin’ in! 

I love you! 


3 responses to “I Forgot My Guitar in a Taxi {Part 2}”

  1. i have been waiting allll morning! amen God is good. He’s so faithful to His children in every way.

  2. I like that you found your guitar, but I like what you learned in the process more. PTL.