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“For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”’ – 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 

I’ve been in plenty of Christian community settings similar to the one I’m currently immersed in, but there really is something exceptional about this collection of individuals. Once we arrived in Guatemala, we buffered, as a full squad, in the space between launch and arriving at our separate ministry locations. This was such a sweet time of reconnection with the people that I’d previously been distanced from, but I’m definitely giving thanks to God for the conversations that affirmed what I’d been realizing for a while before launch. 

It almost feels like He’s been sifting and working to bring this group of people to this moment, together. My squad is a whole ragtag group of homies. Some launched last January, others planned to launch throughout 2020, and others of us have been on this route since we submitted our applications. But we all ended up in January 2021. Though I may be a bit biased, I do have to say that my squad is a powerhouse for the Kingdom. They are the deepest wells of wisdom, joy and compassion. I am beside myself when I wake up each morning, hear one of their voices and realize that this isn’t a dream. Wow, to say I’m privileged is an understatement. 

Hundreds, maybe thousands of believers have tried to be overseas in the last year- ish, but the Lord has brought them all back to their homes in the states. Even though plenty of those people made plans to relaunch when borders began to re-open, He kept them in their homes or provided new opportunities for them in other places. I don’t know the exact statistics, but those facts leave me astounded at the fact that I’m writing this from the field right now. I feel chosen. God literally has so many believers at his beck and call, but he specifically chose me and my squad and a selection of missionaries with other organizations to pioneer reentry to the international mission field. 

What an honor. 

If you’re a missionary on the international field right now, I want you to take a moment and think about that. WE are living and breathing a miracle this very second. You have been chosen for this moment in history. God has raised up an army to reclaim what the enemy has stolen and it’s insane that we get to be a part of that. 

Believers, this is a unique time in all of our lives. Hear me when I say that whether you are an international missionary or not, you have been chosen to exist exactly where you are. The Father has set you in your place for a divine purpose. DON’T LET THAT PASS YOU BY. There’s a war waging all over the world, not just in foreign countries. If you’re in the United states, I’m going to bat for you in prayer because the climate that surrounds you is dark and hard, but you know the light that shatters the darkness. (John 8:12) Go forth, my friends. Embrace where you are. Remember that you are a chosen and beloved child of the King of Kings. HOW SWEET!? 

With all of that rattling around in your brain, I’ll leave you to sit with that. How is God asking you to join Him as He works to reclaim what the enemy has stolen? 

Is it possible that the Lord might have you join in His efforts by partnering with me in my ministry? I am about $4000 shy of being fully funded and I have great faith that He will provide, but I’d be grateful if you would pray about whether or not he would have you partner with me. 

That’s all for now! Feel free to drop a comment with any questions that you would like my teammies to answer in their intro blog(s) AND make sure you’re subscribed so you get to meet the incredible people that I’m serving with right now! 

Toodles for now. I love ya! 



4 responses to “A Sifting of Sorts”

  1. Right on a Aaron!!
    You’ve certainly cast some vision into my heart brother.
    just simple Gratitude to be his chosen and to be chosen to be alive ” for such a time as this.”

    ” Light that shatters darkness” Yes and Amen Aaron ! Love your Optimism rooted in Reality

  2. A RAGTAG GROUP OF HOMIES YOU ARE! (and by that, I *you) obviously mean, a group of Ambassadors for the Kingdom & Sons and Daughters of the Most High).

    Proud of you. Keep chasing after it.