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Working with the Group Camp program at Glorieta Adventure Camps for four years and then joining the team full time after college has left me with plenty of experience in communal living situations similar to the one I am currently immersed in on The World Race. This very moment, I am writing to you from the dining room of my home in Jacó, Costa Rica where I live with thirty one other individuals and two dogs. Last month, I lived here with something like forty two people and those same two dogs. 

One of the neatest aspects of the World Race, in my opinion, is that the squads are the quirkiest combination of people from so many different states, denominations, races, age groups, and plenty of other characteristics that set us apart from one another. Nothing has the ability to bring a group of people together like the blood of Jesus, lemme tell ya. This assembly of people extends far beyond any missions organization or summer camp community. This is the Church, the Bride of Christ. We are all filled with the Spirit of God, and our common goal is to see Him glorified by every tribe, nation, and tongue.

Life in this setting is unbelievably beautiful, but it’s also spectacularly difficult; both at the very same time. We only thrive when we are united under the banner of love that the Father has for all of creation. It’s completely impossible to survive this lifestyle without complete submission to the One that binds us all together. This type of community requires much from each individual that the Lord has brought to this family. Each day, we must set ourselves and our selfish desires aside to seize every opportunity to outdo one another in showing honor. (Romans 12) 

For us, that looks a lot like Jacken making sure that coffee is made by the time the earliest risers are ready for a cup; or Jerome ensuring that our squad is gathering to pray, sing praise to the Lord, and open the Word together; or Scott walking around with the thermometer in the mornings to have everyone’s COVID checks submitted on time; or Victoria assigning people to take the trash out every night before bed; or Wagz giving the dogs a bath on chore day. I could go on for hours about how each member of our squad submits their service to the larger group, but I won’t. 

Also what I won’t do, is exalt this environment in a manner that presents us as anything less than human. We fail to show honor to each other far more often than our instagram accounts reveal. We make too many announcements about people needing to wash their own dishes. Jenn works way too hard to rally hands for chores on Sundays after church. Richard has to announce that he’s beginning our devo time five minutes before we actually start so that folks are ready to go when he is ready to get going. Sometimes I even get left at home with a group of ladies who stumble upon a dead mouse rat thing in the house and then have to put my dad pants on and take care of bidness. 

There’s so much work that goes into ensuring that this group of people functions as the body we were designed to be to fulfill the purpose that we were given, but it’s worth it. (Ephesians 4)

While there are an abundance of other details about the World Race that hold much value, I personally believe that an individual’s commitment to “go low” in an effort to love and serve their brothers and sisters will define their experience on this Kingdom Journey. It’s vital that every person knows and seeks to operate in their spiritual giftings. The Lord is so kind that in His sovereignty, He has intentionally crafted every person to have a unique role in Kingdom work and as a body, we will bear the most fruit when we are effectively seeking opportunities to edify the body rather than having the body edify us. 

Ultimately, Christian community is a collection of the followers of Jesus creating a safe space to be together. We celebrate each other’s differences, and we rejoice in our weaknesses because where one person falls short, another is allowed to be strong. In this type of community, no person is a burden. It is an honor to pray for one another. It is a blessing to call each other higher. We are fulfilling the law when we love sacrificially and serve each other. 

I’ve seen this squad rally around one another on too many occasions to recall here, but they’ve been so insanely faithful to love me well and push me to the Father as I’ve walked through the process of abandonment and into brokenness. This week I was mentally attacked by the enemy in ways that I’ve never experienced before and my community refused to allow me to fight alone. Lindsey, Ari, and Brandon specifically spoke truth over me the first night as I wept on my face before the Lord. They knew where I was and they asked God how to meet me there and they sprinted to me. In my weakness, the Lord was made strong and they helped me to exalt Him when I was too broken to do it on my own. This is community. 

There are undoubtedly messy moments, but there is something mighty special about intimately living life with the same thirty radical followers of Jesus in God knows how many different countries. My squad has quickly adjusted to this lifestyle and it’s been challenging, but we’re here and we are thriving.

My challenge to you, my friends, is that if you are not currently a part of a thriving, healthy, biblical community of believers, find one. Community is special and you have exactly what you need to be an incredibly valuable addition to whatever group of believers that you meander your way into. Also, you must know that not every community looks like the one I am living in now. You don’t have to be living in a home with thirty one other people to be called a community, that’s just the season that the Father has me in. If, by chance, you are interested in being a part of a community similar to this, check out the routes for the World Race launching in January 2022. I’ll link that webpage HERE. The World Race has 11 month, 9 month, and 3 month options depending on your age, so hit that up! Also, for a shorter term option in the States, the camp that I worked at for so many years is always looking for summer staff, so check that out HERE.

If you ARE invested in a community, my hope is that you would take every advantage of that sweetness, but be sure that you’re also getting low to love and serve them well. 

That’s all for now folks. I love you and pray for you often. 

Peace and love, 


11 responses to “How Low Can You Go?”

  1. Incredible. This was a timely one to finalize and post this week. I realize now what the first draft was missing is all of the vulnerable stories that hadn’t happened yet. ?? keep writing my friend!!

  2. love it, AWM!
    praying for these moments to not only bring you closer to your community but also Jesus! Keep on seeking Him and fighting for His people!

  3. This incredible message ?? Discipleship!
    The walk in the Holy Spirit and experience that y’all are having and giving back to others is amazing. God bless and make it a great day!

  4. A beautiful testimony of God‘s grace and mercy towards you Aaron. As you blogged about the beauty of community and truly loving your brothers and sisters in Christ. There’s so much power in the love and acceptance of community.
    Going going low is such a beautiful gift as we walk in humility. I’m so proud of you!

  5. AAHHH! Thanks, Kathy! Sad we won’t have you guys at debreif, but we’ll see you ON ANOTHER CONTINENT NEXT TIME! love ya so much!

  6. Absolutely incredible. What a beautiful depiction of the body of Christ we see in Ephesians! I love this!