
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday I spent some time praying into my role as a storyteller. Specifically I asked the Lord this question: What is it that you want to use in me to further the kingdom?

He responded clearly and quickly that he wants to use my authenticity. I pride myself on the fact that I love to be my most authentic self all the time. There aren’t many exceptions to that… except writing blogs. I’ve wrestled through writing every blog that I’ve ever posted and I’d attribute that to the fact that I want them to be eloquent; I want them to be perfect, but the truth is that I’m not the next Walt Whitman or whoever it is that you like to read. While you are reading here, you will find grammatical mistakes and you’ll likely decide that I could’ve thought through my word choice a bit more, but what you will surely find is that I’m writing to exalt the name of Jesus, to provide glimpses into the world that He is doing on earth, and to share stories or hope, restoration, and redemption. 

So with all that being said, this thing IS happening. Not soon, N O W. We’re boarding a flight to Guatemala in a matter of minutes at this point. We got our first baby taste of the race last night as we found our places in the tight little corners of the airport in Atlanta to rest before our flight this morning. I’m not gonna lie.. It is now that I am beginning to process the reality of this. I snapped out of my sleep this morning and my first thought was “oh.. This isn’t a dream. I’m actually asleep on the filthy floor of an airport during a global health crisis. This IS my life.” I’m quite honored to be here, but I’ll write more about that soon. For now, I must bid thee farewell and board my flight. 

Thank you so much for your continued love and support. I’m stoked that you’ll get to tag along on this journey. 

Would you join me in praying for continued protection as we travel to a new country today and to our host ministries tomorrow? 

With a tender heart raised to heaven, 



6 responses to “Now Boarding Flight 1830 to Guatemala City!!!!!!”

  1. Sending all my love and many prayers! As I always say, have fun, but most importantly make many memories! Can’t wait to see what God has in store!
    Love you bunches,

  2. So proud of you answering the call to ministry! Looking forward to reading about your adventures with Jesus! I will share this with our Shae’s Place kids! Love you! Praying 4 you and the crew!

  3. This made me a lil’ weepy. I am so excited for you to step into the fullness of your identity as a child of the KING and an ambassador of the KINGDOM wherever and everywhere you go. I’m so stinkin’ proud of you!!